Listed below are the 2024 season fixtures.
The dates corresponding to the weeks fixtures are indicated. This season every week has a Thursday fixture including Week 1. We also have two Friday games (Week 1 & Week 13)
Week 1 |
Sep 5th, 6th 8th & 9th |
2 Minute Drillers |
v |
Jesmond Chiefs |
Wellington Rising |
v |
Laurel Lions |
Arnhall Dolphins |
v |
Scunthorpe Steelers |
Argyll Apaches |
v |
Garthdee Gryphons |
Kincorth Killers |
v |
Craigo Coyotes |
Caledonia Express |
v |
Westburn Blades |
Week 2 |
Sep 12th, 15th & 16th |
2 Minute Drillers |
v |
Arnhall Dolphins |
Wellington Rising |
v |
Argyll Apaches |
Kincorth Killers |
v |
Scunthorpe Steelers |
Caledonia Express |
v |
Jesmond Chiefs |
Laurel Lions |
v |
Garthdee Gryphons |
Westburn Blades |
v |
Craigo Coyotes |
Week 3 |
Sep 19th, 22nd & 23rd |
2 Minute Drillers |
v |
Argyll Apaches |
Wellington Rising |
v |
Arnhall Dolphins |
Kincorth Killers |
v |
Jesmond Chiefs |
Caledonia Express |
v |
Scunthorpe Steelers |
Laurel Lions |
v |
Craigo Coyotes |
Westburn Blades |
v |
Garthdee Gryphons |
Week 4 |
Sep 26th, 29th & 30th |
2 Minute Drillers |
v |
Caledonia Express |
Wellington Rising |
v |
Scunthorpe Steelers |
Arnhall Dolphins |
v |
Laurel Lions |
Argyll Apaches |
v |
Westburn Blades |
Kincorth Killers |
v |
Garthdee Gryphons |
Jesmond Chiefs |
v |
Craigo Coyotes |
Week 5 |
Oct 3rd, 6th &7th |
2 Minute Drillers |
v |
Craigo Coyotes |
Wellington Rising |
v |
Garthdee Gryphons |
Arnhall Dolphins |
v |
Jesmond Chiefs |
Argyll Apaches |
v |
Caledonia Express |
Kincorth Killers |
v |
Laurel Lions |
Scunthorpe Steelers |
v |
Westburn Blades |
Week 6 |
Oct 10th, 13th &14th |
2 Minute Drillers |
v |
Wellington Rising |
Arnhall Dolphins |
v |
Argyll Apaches |
Kincorth Killers |
v |
Caledonia Express |
Scunthorpe Steelers |
v |
Jesmond Chiefs |
Laurel Lions |
v |
Westburn Blades |
Garthdee Gryphons |
v |
Craigo Coyotes |
Week 7 |
Oct 17th, 20th &21st |
2 Minute Drillers |
v |
Garthdee Gryphons |
Wellington Rising |
v |
Westburn Blades |
Arnhall Dolphins |
v |
Caledonia Express |
Argyll Apaches |
v |
Kincorth Killers |
Scunthorpe Steelers |
v |
Craigo Coyotes |
Jesmond Chiefs |
v |
Laurel Lions |
Week 8 |
Oct 24th, 27th &28th |
2 Minute Drillers |
v |
Scunthorpe Steelers |
Wellington Rising |
v |
Jesmond Chiefs |
Arnhall Dolphins |
v |
Craigo Coyotes |
Argyll Apaches |
v |
Laurel Lions |
Kincorth Killers |
v |
Westburn Blades |
Caledonia Express |
v |
Garthdee Gryphons |
Week 9 |
Oct 31st, Nov 3rd & 4th |
2 Minute Drillers |
v |
Arnhall Dolphins |
Wellington Rising |
v |
Argyll Apaches |
Kincorth Killers |
v |
Scunthorpe Steelers |
Caledonia Express |
v |
Jesmond Chiefs |
Laurel Lions |
v |
Garthdee Gryphons |
Westburn Blades |
v |
Craigo Coyotes |
Week 10 |
Nov 7th, 10th &11th |
2 Minute Drillers |
v |
Westburn Blades |
Wellington Rising |
v |
Craigo Coyotes |
Arnhall Dolphins |
v |
Kincorth Killers |
Argyll Apaches |
v |
Scunthorpe Steelers |
Caledonia Express |
v |
Laurel Lions |
Jesmond Chiefs |
v |
Garthdee Gryphons |
Week 11 |
Nov 14th, 17th &18th |
2 Minute Drillers |
v |
Laurel Lions |
Wellington Rising |
v |
Kincorth Killers |
Arnhall Dolphins |
v |
Westburn Blades |
Argyll Apaches |
v |
Jesmond Chiefs |
Caledonia Express |
v |
Craigo Coyotes |
Scunthorpe Steelers |
v |
Garthdee Gryphons |
Week 12 |
Nov 21st, 24th &25th |
2 Minute Drillers |
v |
Argyll Apaches |
Wellington Rising |
v |
Arnhall Dolphins |
Kincorth Killers |
v |
Jesmond Chiefs |
Caledonia Express |
v |
Scunthorpe Steelers |
Laurel Lions |
v |
Craigo Coyotes |
Westburn Blades |
v |
Garthdee Gryphons |
Week 13 |
Nov 28th &29th. Dec 1st &2nd |
2 Minute Drillers |
v |
Wellington Rising |
Arnhall Dolphins |
v |
Argyll Apaches |
Kincorth Killers |
v |
Caledonia Express |
Scunthorpe Steelers |
v |
Jesmond Chiefs |
Laurel Lions |
v |
Westburn Blades |
Garthdee Gryphons |
v |
Craigo Coyotes |
Week 1 |
Sep 7th, 10th & 11th |
Wellington Rising |
@ |
Westburn Blades |
2 Minute Drillers |
@ |
Craigo Coyotes |
Argyll Apaches |
@ |
Scunthorpe Steelers |
Arnhall Dolphins |
v |
Caledonia Express |
Jesmond Chiefs |
v |
Garthdee Gryphons |
Kincorth Killers |
@ |
Laurel Lions |
Week 2 |
Sep 14th, 17th & 18th |
Wellington Rising |
@ |
2 Minute Drillers |
Argyll Apaches |
@ |
Arnhall Dolphins |
Jesmond Chiefs |
v |
Caledonia Express |
Kincorth Killers |
v |
Scunthorpe Steelers |
Garthdee Gryphons |
v |
Laurel Lions |
Craigo Coyotes |
v |
Westburn Blades |
Week 3 |
Sep 21st, 24th & 25th |
Wellington Rising |
v |
Argyll Apaches |
2 Minute Drillers |
v |
Arnhall Dolphins |
Jesmond Chiefs |
v |
Kincorth Killers |
Caledonia Express |
v |
Scunthorpe Steelers |
Garthdee Gryphons |
v |
Craigo Coyotes |
Laurel Lions |
v |
Westburn Blades |
Week 4 |
Sep 28th, Oct 1st & 2nd |
Wellington Rising |
@ |
Caledonia Express |
2 Minute Drillers |
@ |
Kincorth Killers |
Argyll Apaches |
@ |
Garthdee Gryphons |
Arnhall Dolphins |
@ |
Laurel Lions |
Jesmond Chiefs |
v |
Craigo Coyotes |
Scunthorpe Steelers |
@ |
Westburn Blades |
Week 5 |
Oct 5th, 8th &9th |
Wellington Rising |
v |
Jesmond Chiefs |
2 Minute Drillers |
v |
Caledonia Express |
Argyll Apaches |
v |
Craigo Coyotes |
Arnhall Dolphins |
v |
Westburn Blades |
Kincorth Killers |
v |
Garthdee Gryphons |
Scunthorpe Steelers |
v |
Laurel Lions |
Week 6 |
Oct 12th, 15th &16th |
Wellington Rising |
@ |
Arnhall Dolphins |
2 Minute Drillers |
@ |
Argyll Apaches |
Jesmond Chiefs |
@ |
Scunthorpe Steelers |
Caledonia Express |
@ |
Kincorth Killers |
Garthdee Gryphons |
v |
Westburn Blades |
Laurel Lions |
v |
Craigo Coyotes |
Week 7 |
Oct 19th, 22nd & 23rd |
Wellington Rising |
v |
Craigo Coyotes |
2 Minute Drillers |
v |
Laurel Lions |
Argyll Apaches |
v |
Caledonia Express |
Arnhall Dolphins |
@ |
Jesmond Chiefs |
Kincorth Killers |
@ |
Westburn Blades |
Scunthorpe Steelers |
@ |
Garthdee Gryphons |
Week 8 |
Oct 26th, 29th & 30th |
Wellington Rising |
v |
Kincorth Killers |
2 Minute Drillers |
@ |
Scunthorpe Steelers |
Argyll Apaches |
v |
Westburn Blades |
Arnhall Dolphins |
v |
Garthdee Gryphons |
Jesmond Chiefs |
@ |
Laurel Lions |
Caledonia Express |
v |
Craigo Coyotes |
Week 9 |
Nov 2nd, 5th &6th |
Wellington Rising |
v |
2 Minute Drillers |
Argyll Apaches |
v |
Arnhall Dolphins |
Jesmond Chiefs |
@ |
Caledonia Express |
Kincorth Killers |
@ |
Scunthorpe Steelers |
Garthdee Gryphons |
@ |
Laurel Lions |
Craigo Coyotes |
@ |
Westburn Blades |
Week 10 |
Nov 9th, 12th &13th |
Wellington Rising |
v |
Scunthorpe Steelers |
2 Minute Drillers |
v |
Garthdee Gryphons |
Argyll Apaches |
@ |
Kincorth Killers |
Arnhall Dolphins |
@ |
Craigo Coyotes |
Jesmond Chiefs |
v |
Westburn Blades |
Caledonia Express |
v |
Laurel Lions |
Week 11 |
Nov 16th, 19th &20th |
Wellington Rising |
@ |
Laurel Lions |
2 Minute Drillers |
@ |
Westburn Blades |
Argyll Apaches |
v |
Jesmond Chiefs |
Arnhall Dolphins |
@ |
Kincorth Killers |
Caledonia Express |
@ |
Garthdee Gryphons |
Scunthorpe Steelers |
@ |
Craigo Coyotes |
Week 12 |
Nov 23rd, 24th, 26th & 27th |
Wellington Rising |
@ |
Argyll Apaches |
2 Minute Drillers |
@ |
Arnhall Dolphins |
Jesmond Chiefs |
@ |
Kincorth Killers |
Caledonia Express |
@ |
Scunthorpe Steelers |
Garthdee Gryphons |
@ |
Craigo Coyotes |
Laurel Lions |
@ |
Westburn Blades |
Week 13 |
Nov 30th, Dec 3rd &4th |
Wellington Rising |
v |
Arnhall Dolphins |
2 Minute Drillers |
v |
Argyll Apaches |
Jesmond Chiefs |
v |
Scunthorpe Steelers |
Caledonia Express |
v |
Kincorth Killers |
Garthdee Gryphons |
@ |
Westburn Blades |
Laurel Lions |
@ |
Craigo Coyotes |